who we are and what we do

our story

our story

No Fear,
Jack is here!

about the setting stone

about jckr

As that little ” ‘n’ ” in our name might suggest,  JCKR by Jack’n’Russell is actually a duo of…. people! Our brand name is an “acronym” and it comes from the world-famous dog breed, the Jack Russell terrier which we love.

We are Lorenzo and Rita, a couple in real life and we are based in Italy. As different as we can be as human beings – and it’s what makes us very complementary, we have been brought together by a lot of things, including -of course- by our passion for dogs and our own puppies: Jam, June and Panna, and all their siblings (yeah they’re all really family!). You will get to know them all very soon.

Like many things JCKR started with a doodle while sitting on the couch. June, who was a puppy at the time, appeared in front of Lorenzo and her face started immediately taking form on the computer screen. We immediately knew THIS was IT.

As much as we can enjoy a dressed up evening, we just are obsessed with casual, comfortable yet stylish and sustainable clothing. We believe in minimalist designs, mostly muted and warm colors, and great textiles and textures.

We’ve always had this idea in the back of our heads of creating our own clothing brand someday. We worked and searched hard to find the best products, the greatest suppliers who also have the same core values as we do and can guarantee sustainable items with organic cotton – and recycled fabrics – in a fair trade way.

"No Fear,
Jack is Here"

"No Fear,
Jack is Here"

check out Our Cool Stuff

about our future and goals

Where we are headed

You surely remember “Milo” from The Mask, the cool, always moving, always playful Jack Russell terrier. That’s how we feel about our lifestyle brand: excited about any kind of stuff, always on the go, willing to do… and it’s also how our own Jacks have always been.

We are headed towards adding always new items to our line, including some accessories, selected with the same attention and care. Parallel to this, we want to use our brand to reach out to dog shelters in order to help them as much as we can; together with you. 5% of your order will always be donated.

And now we want our products to shine on the world with you.
Show off your awesomeness.

there's more

why we say #nofearjackishere

No Fear, Jack is here! We’re more than just a clothing and accessories brand. We’re on a mission to make a positive impact on the world by helping dogs and animal shelters in need. Our products are designed with the adventurous, outdoor-loving individual in mind, but we also believe in giving back to our furry friends. With every purchase, a portion of our profits go towards supporting animal shelters and rescues. Whether you’re hiking a mountain, walking your dog, or just enjoying the great outdoors, we’ve got you covered with our high-quality, durable products. Join us in making a difference, while also looking and feeling your best!

your kindness can go further

go the extra mile

Have you ever thought about how much a little effort can go a long way? That’s especially true when it comes to helping dogs in shelters. Even a small donation can make a huge difference in their lives. If you’re looking for a way to make an impact and help out furry friends in need, consider making a PayPal donation. Every little bit helps, and the best part is that 100% of that amount will be given to the already mentioned shelters; which you might be able to choose for yourself.
So, what do you say? Let’s go the extra mile for our four-legged friends!

meet the jacks and discover the origin of the names here!